Category Archives: Science

Scientific/Medical Integrity and the Future

Over the years, we have witnessed the issues or multiple peer-reviewed papers being recalled.  A recent example as reported in numerous places, Reference 1 states: “The Dana-Farber Cancer [..]


Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Science

Artificial Inelegance (AI) seems to be in the news with promises of a tremendous amount of benefits for the average person.  Specifically, “Generative AI” will be the foundation [..]


The Issue with Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The issue of AI has been in the headlines of major newspapers with all kinds of doom projections.  Reference 1 from earlier this year has 11 areas that [..]

Science, Technology

Another year of interesting developments

Energy from Fusion – As reported in Phys.Org [Ref. 1] a breakthrough announcement in fusion came from Lawrence Livermore National Labs.  For the first time an experiment in [..]


A Look at Technology in 2022 – Nanomaterials, MEMS/NEMS, Metamaterials

As 2022 begins, predicting (guessing) where technology will go is almost always wrong.  This is an opportunity to highlight some of the developments that that appear possible to [..]

Misc Ramblings, Science

Ultra-pure material

We already reported on the development of two-dimensional nano-sheet transistors and other two-dimensional materials.  One of the challenges that has been previously mentioned is the fact that we [..]


Experiments & Results

Previously, we have covered the challenges of experiments and the need for reproducibility.  Recently, there has been an additional occurrence that merits discussion.  There has been a study [..]

Misc Ramblings, Science

Developments as the Year ends

As technology moves more into the nano realm, interesting items are turning up.  Researchers at the University of Manchester, UK have found quasiparticles in a lattice of boron [..]

Misc Ramblings, Science

Below nano gets more interesting

Last blog mentioned metallic hydrogen at a very small level.  As the computational power increases, we are able to examine (theoretically at least) the behavior of various materials.  [..]

Science, Technology

Interesting things

A couple thoughts on Hydrogen.  This might be old news to some, but two Harvard scientists have created metallic hydrogen [Ref. 1] by employing extreme pressures. This material [..]

Science, Technology