Category Archives: Electronics

3-D and Electronics

There has been a lot written about 2-D transistors and the coming applications involving the properties of the circuitry and its ability to create denser circuitry.  There are [..]

Electronics, Semiconductor Technology, Uncategorized

New transistors in the nano realm

The current structures for semiconductor central processing units (CPUs) are being designed and produced with some dimensions in the single digit nanometer realm.  Beside being hard to make, [..]

Electronics, Metamaterials, Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology and Electronics

The competition for nanotechnology applications in electronic circuitry is meeting manufacturing volume challenges, reliability, and cost.  Until the manufacturing volume can be demonstrated, the reliability can not be [..]

Electronics, Nanotechnology

Lithium, Graphene, and batteries

With the reliance of potable electronics on battery power, researchers are exploring various approached to increase the power density of materials for batteries.  The majority of batteries for [..]


Vacuum Tubes

This might seem like an unusual topic for nanotechnology.  The vacuum tube was the centerpiece of electronic advancement prior to solid state devices.  Their application was incorporated into [..]

Electronics, Science


This blog is a slight variation from the typical nanotechnology ones. The frequency of the mention of memristors has been increasing. Memristors are novel components of circuits which [..]

Electronics, Technology

Nano Electronics

What actually is nano electronics?  The semiconductor people have been working with features that are 100 nm or smaller for close to 20 years.  The current generation of [..]

Electronics, Nanotechnology