There are two separate topics in this blog: Nanosilver and Graphene. Nanosilver is back in the news. The headline from a recent web article [1] states: Research into nanosilver leads scientists to give warning. It states that nanosilver can penetrate the skin and cause damage due to the formation of free radicals. Since the formation free radicals have been linked to serious diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. A comment is also made that the research is at an early stage and has not shown how nanosilver might be absorbed. However, they warn that supplements containing nanosilver should not be taken.
There are two points that need to be made. First, the study has not demonstrated any correlation between the nanosilver and the creation of free-radicals that explicitly are related to diseases. The supposition is that if A is related to B and a form of B can cause C, A will definitely cause C. The second point is that this is not new. An article, published in 2008 [2], titled: “Nanosilver disinfects – but at what price?” indicates that nanosilver might wreak havoc with the human immune system. (Emphasis mine.) This is the publication of work with wording that is picked up by publishers who ignore the completeness of the research in order to print headlines that will draw readers.
Graphene is still in the news. There is a recent report from the University of Maryland titled: Tiny Origami Boxes Hold Promise for Energy Storage. [3] It is an interesting concept on increasing the density of hydrogen storage capacity. {An interesting article on why electric vehicles will not go mainstream is in reference 4.) Several car manufacturers have hydrogen fueled vehicles. The issue is the storage capacity. This could be a possible source of greater storage capacity.
There is a European project that aims to deliver industrial scale quantities of reinforced thermosetting polymers. [5] The purpose of this effort is to produce industrial scale quantities for thermosetting polymers. Graphene-Info announced a Graphene World Summit to address issues of standardization and commercialization. [6] Finally, small is getting smaller. Nanotechweb reported an “Atomic chisel chips away at graphene.” [7] This link provides additional information on the ability to create smaller structures. Possibility other variations of the origami boxes?