Category Archives: Misc Ramblings

Is it Time for 3D Printed Food?

Why would you consider 3D printed food to be in the realm of nanotechnology?  Nanotechnology involves the usage of particles that are well below what we would consider [..]

Misc Ramblings, Nanotechnology

A Name Change?

The usage of the term “nano” appears to be decreasing. There is an increase in the usage of “Advanced Materials” and “Emerging Technology.” Is this a sign of [..]

Misc Ramblings, Nanotechnology

Sorting Wheat from Chafe

There is considerable activity in the world to develop regulations on nanomaterials. The questions that need to be asked is on what basis are these specifications being developed. [..]

Misc Ramblings, Nanotechnology

An interesting trend in electronics

While there is much being published about the continual shrinking of electronics, there are a number of other activities that have been developing. One of the efforts is [..]

Misc Ramblings, Nanotechnology

Scientific/Medical Research Results

In the last few weeks, we have been learning that “scientific” or “medical” research results may contain erroneous information. [Ref. 1]  There is currently an outbreak of measles [..]

Misc Ramblings, Nanotechnology Risk Management

PEER Review or Pier Review?

As has been stated previously, “scientific” research that can not be validated is not scientific and certainly not research according to the standards of accepted practice. I have [..]

Misc Ramblings, Nanotechnology Risk Management

Scientific (mis)Results and (mis)Reporting

This week’s blog was going to be on “Business and Nanomaterials”.  However, there have been several publications that passed through my readings that addressed the same issue and [..]

Misc Ramblings, Nanotechnology Risk Management

When is “nano” really nano

The common definition of “nano” is when one dimension of a material is less than 100 nm.  The definition from a Google search [1] on “What is nanotechnology?” [..]

Misc Ramblings, Nanotechnology