Category Archives: Nanotechnology

Developments in nanotechnology

A coming disruption in technology? Part 1

There have been many years since the 1998 announcement of carbon nanotube transistors.  The hope has been for the semiconductor industry to create a means of producing a [..]

Nanotechnology, Semiconductor Technology

Nanotechnology is spreading its wings

Nanotechnology has been around for a while.  There have been lots of promises resulting in a few solid applications, a number of promising medical advances, and a number [..]


Move over “Nano”, “Pico” is coming.

Nothing remains on top (or at the bottom) forever.  “Pico” is three orders of magnitude smaller than “nano”.  A rule-of-thumb is that to be able to manufacture or [..]

Nanotechnology, Science

Two-dimensional materials’ research opening new opportunities

There have been some interesting reports in the last year that indicate there is a growth in interest and a branching out in nanomaterials research.  In the pursuit [..]

Nanotechnology, Semiconductor Technology

Challenging times ahead thanks to technology

Last month’s blog was about the challenges in determining real scientific research and reports that include falsified or erroneous conclusions.  It is difficult enough to understand results that [..]

Nanotechnology, Nanotechnology Risk Management

Nanotechnology and Electronics

The competition for nanotechnology applications in electronic circuitry is meeting manufacturing volume challenges, reliability, and cost.  Until the manufacturing volume can be demonstrated, the reliability can not be [..]

Electronics, Nanotechnology

Modeling and Nanotechnology

Modeling is the development of a mathematical representation of an actual or proposed set (group) of interactions that can be employed to predict the functioning of the set [..]


Semiconductor Nanotechnology

What is the state of nanotechnology in creating semiconductors?  As the size of the individual semiconductor components shrink, the current material employed starts to create concerns.  Projections have [..]

Nanotechnology, Semiconductor Technology

Current Challenges in Science – Scientific Rigor

The accuracy of “scientific” research has recently reappeared in the press.  A previous blog (February 25, 2015) addressed the implication of erroneous published medical research results.  An earlier [..]

Nanotechnology, Nanotechnology Risk Management

Changes in Nanotechnology Perspectives

There are announcements about new findings or new concepts in nanotechnology that may not appear a “big” changes.  Typically, the definition of nanomaterials is: For a material to [..]

Misc Ramblings, Nanotechnology