Category Archives: Nanotechnology

Developments in nanotechnology

Medical Nano

The development of nanotechnology in medicine is a longer-term process than nanotechnology in general.  The reason is that the application of any technology, device, or medicine to humans [..]

Nanotechnology, Science

Is Nano too large?

Are we starting to see device developments at the atomic level?  During 2017, there have been many stories on graphene and other two-dimensional materials.  Various companies have started [..]

Misc Ramblings, Nanotechnology

Semiconductors and Nanotechnology

There is a rule developed by Gordon Moore that projected the increase of density of semiconductors.  For many years the path “Moore’s Law” predicted (a doubling of density [..]

Nanotechnology, Semiconductor Technology

Nano Material Properties and the need for multi-dimensional representations

Material properties are “well” defined.  If one goes to a reference source, the various properties of a pure material can be found.  For example, the atomic number of [..]

Misc Ramblings, Nanotechnology

Are we missing the important capability of nanomaterials?

Particles with a dimension that is 100nm or less in size are considered nanomaterials.  But, size is not what provides the unique nanomaterial properties that are being observed. [..]

Misc Ramblings, Nanotechnology

2-dimentional material and other nano properties

Material: Two-dimensional materials seem to have a staying power in various technical news magazines.  The US Department of Energy released a report on efforts involving the Lawrence Berkeley [..]

Nanotechnology, Technology

Two-dimensional materials and moving them into production

There has been more work reporter on 2-D materials, also called atomic level materials.  Typically, this term refers to a sheet of material that is only atom thick [..]

Nanotechnology, Semiconductor Technology

More Proof that the Nanoscale is Different

Results reported in the May 24, 2017 issue of is titled: “Water is surprisingly ordered on the nanoscale.”  (Reference is at the end of the blog.) “Researchers [..]


A Key Nano Device Manufacturing Challenge

The use of “nano” has become commonplace.  Projections are made about creating individual items/molecules/devices at the nano-scale.  There are examples of nano clocks, vehicles, etc.  Given enough effort, [..]


Science Fiction continues to become Science Fact

This blog is an update of a topic from my November 2014 blog.  In those comments, I mentioned the science fiction of the Star Trek programs that have [..]

Misc Ramblings, Nanotechnology